On Farm Testings 2023-24 ( On Going)
- Yam : Assessment of dwarf /semi dwarf varieties of yams under non trailing conditions.
- Cowpea : Assessment of grain cowpea HYV suitable for summer rice fallows of Kannur.
- Cluster bean : Assessment of high yielding varieties of cluster bean.
- Amaranthus : Assessment of high yielding varieties of red amaranthus.
- Vegetables : Ecofriendly management of bacterial wilt in solanaceous vegetables.
- Poultry : Assessment of feed supplements for layer poultry.
- Mango : Assessment of the quality and shelf life of ripe mango by different ripening methods.
On Farm Testings 2022-23
- Assessment of grain cowpea HYV suitable for summer rice fallows of Kannur.
- Assessment of high yielding yard long bean varieties.
- Assessment of biorepellants against wildboar menace in paddy.
- Assessment of HYV of cardamom (Ongoing).
Field Photos